September 2006
- Congratulations!
- 16th Annual Morris Hansen Lecture
- Federal Committee On Statistical Methodology Statistical Policy Seminar
- Applied Demography Conference
- The 15th Federal Forecasters Conference
- Education Announcements:
- Short Courses (includes JPSM courses)
- Seminars
- Employment Opportunities
- Note From The WSS NEWS Editor
- WSS People
- PDF Versions:
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Area Meetings and Courses
The 15th Federal Forecasters Conference Anouncement
(includes the call for papers, and contest & registration forms)
With 245 members voting, the following were elected to the WSS board of directors:
Michael P. Cohen
Methodology Program Chair
Meena Khare
Representative at Large
Polly Phipps
Allen Schirm
Daniell Toth
We congratulate the winners and express our thanks to the other candidates.
Congratulations are also in order for the WSS members who were recently elected Fellows of the American Statistical Association:
Stuart G. Baker, National Cancer Institute
Zhaohai Li, George Washington University
Donald Malec, U.S. Census Bureau
Wendy Martinez, Office of Naval Research
16th Annual Morris Hansen Lecture
Michael F. Goodchild, Professor of Geography (University of California, Santa Barbara) will give the 16th Annual Morris Hansen Lecture on Monday November 6 at 330pm in the Jefferson Auditorium of the Department of Agriculture's South Building (Independence Avenue SW, between 12th and 14th Street).
Dr. Goodchild will speak on "Statistical Perspectives on Spatial Social Science." Sarah Nusser (Iowa Sate University) and Linda Pickle (National Cancer Institute) will be the discussants. A reception will follow the lecture. The Hansen Lecture Series is sponsored by the Washington Statistical Society, Westat, Inc, and the National Agricultural Statistics Service.
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Federal Committee On Statistical Methodology
Statistical Policy Seminar
Keeping Current: What We Know
What We Need To Learn
November 28-29, 2006
The Eighth in a Series of Seminars Hosted by COPAFS
(The Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics)
Participants will include Statisticians, Economists, and Managers, as well as Other Professionals in the Broader Statistical Community who Share an Interest in Keeping Current on Issues Related to Federal Data.
Support Provided by:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Energy Information Administration
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Agricultural Statistics Service
- National Center for Education Statistics
- National Center for Health Statistics
- Office of Research Evaluation, and Statistics of the Social Security Administration* Statistics of Income Division of the Internal Revenue Service
- U.S. Census Bureau
- The Quality of Administrative Records for Statistical Uses
- Longitudinal Survey Designs: Current Best Practices and Continuing Challenges
- Providing Researchers Access to Federal Data
- The Future of Telephone Surveys
- Positioning the Federal Statistical System to Quickly Respond to Data Needs in Times of Crisis or Catastrophe
- Nonresponse Bias Analyses in Federal Surveys
- Incentives New Results on the Effects of Incentives
- Total Survey Error in Economic Statistics
- How to Encourage Innovation
- Using Internet Panels For National Data
- Modeling Survey Costs: Towards a Research Agenda
- Establishing Archival Data Systems for Agency Historical Information
Keynote Address: Kenneth Prewitt, Columbia University
L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
480 L'Enfant Plaza,
S.W., Washington D.C. 20024
To Reserve a Room Call: 202-484-1000
Seminar Registration Cost: $195.00 per person
A Registration Form Can Be Downloaded From Our Site At:
For Further Information, Contact the COPAFS Office at:
Phone: 703-836-0404
Applied Demography Conference
The first of the 21st century's biennial Applied Demography conferences will be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in downtown San Antonio, TX, January 7th to 9th, 2007 ( A reception will be held the evening of Sunday, January 7th), with a full day of sessions on Monday, January 8th and half a day of sessions on Tuesday, January 9th.
The Conference is sponsored by the Department of Demography and Organization Studies and the Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio, both of which are headed by Dr. Steve Murdock. (For details on the Department and the Institute, see
David Swanson is serving as the Program Organizer for the Conference. A call for papers will be issued soon, followed by the conference program, which will include a list of sessions and participants.
Questions concerning the program can be directed to:
David A. Swanson, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Director, Center for Population Research
University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677-1848 USA
tel. + (1) 662 915 7430
FAX + (1) 662 915 5372
The 15th Federal Forecasters Conference
September 28, 2006
Aging: Implications for Forecasting
As the population of the United States and other major countries continues to age, policy makers at every level face major challenges in providing needed services while maintaining economic prosperity. A graying society has major effects on the dynamics of our economic and societal activities including the composition of the labor force, the nature of jobs to be filled, and the demands for goods and services including health care, pension benefits, and other public services. The implications of this aging phenomenon on forecasting in the public sector are equally profound affecting both the input side and the output side of many projection models. The 2006 Federal Forecasters Conference seeks to highlight key aspects of how forecasting must account for the aging trend which demographers have long seen coming.
- Where:
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Conference and Training Center
2 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC
- Important Date:
- September 7, 2006 — Conference Registration Deadline
- Announcement, Call for Papers, and Contest and Registration Forms:
- Please download FFC2006_Ann.pdf for complete details or visit
Note From The WSS NEWS Editor
Items for publication in the November issue of the WSS NEWS should be submitted no later than September 26, 2006. E-mail items to Michael Feil at
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