Washington Statistical Society Activities
One of the most important contributions WSS makes to the statistical community is organizing and sponsoring seminars, which are free to any interested persons (members or nonmembers). Some sessions are general in nature, others are more specialized and focus on technical issues of interest to more narrow subgroups of the membership.
The seminars are arranged by program chair-persons listed in Board of Directors and Committees. Their titles illustrate the range of topics for the sessions. There are usually 60 program sessions offered each year at convenient locations in the metropolitan area. They are usually presented on workdays during daytime hours.
In 1991, WSS initiated the Morris Hansen Lecture, an annual event which centers around a special presentation by a distinguished statistician. This talk is generally followed by a wine and cheese reception.
Notices of the WSS Seminars appear in the WSS Newsletter each month and are available on-line.
Annual Social Events
There are two regularly scheduled WSS social events per year, which provides an opportunity for members to enjoy one another's company. The first is the holiday party held in December. The other is the annual dinner which is usually held in June. At the annual dinner, election results are announced, special awards are presented, and an invited speaker is featured. These fee events are announced in the Newsletter and on-line well in advance.
Short Courses
The WSS offers several short courses each year. Some are developed especially for WSS, others are based around videotaped versions of ASA Continuing Education events. Attendance at these events is usually limited and a nominal fee is charged.
The current WSS short course schedule is available.
Visit the Education section of the ASA website to learn about other educational opportunities.
Other Activities
Other Society activities include:
- The employment column, part of the WSS Newsletter.
- Sponsorship of an outstanding graduate student from each of the area's universities for a one-year membership in the ASA and WSS.
- The annual Julius Shiskin Award for outstanding achievement in economic statistics.
- The Curtis Jacobs Memorial Prize for Outstanding Statistics Project and presentation of awards for outstanding statistical work at Science Fairs held in area schools.
- The Roger Herriot Award for Innovation in Federal Statistics is intended to recognize individuals who develop unique and innovative approaches to the solution of statistical problems in federal data collection programs.
- Other awards and a scholarship co-sponsored by WSS, all listed on the WSS awards page.