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Do you work with or are you interested in data - how to get it, what can and should be done with it using statistical or data science tools, and how to assess and communicate what information it provides? Do you live or work in the metropolitan Washington DC area? If the answers to these questions are "yes," we encourage you to join the Washington Statistical Society (WSS).

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Upcoming Events

Please visit the WSS Seminars page and the Short Courses page, and join us at MeetUp@WashStat.

20 Nov 2024

Newsletter Deadline is the 20th of the Month!

The deadline to get articles into the next newsletter is the 20th of each month. Please send your input in MS Word or plain text to the WSS Newsletter Editor, Colleen Choi. Please do not submit your items in pdf or in the body of an email.

The Current edition of the WSS Newsletter is available. Click here to read it. WSS members receive our monthly newsletter, which includes announcements and descriptions of forthcoming technical programs, short courses, and social events. It also provides an employment column, publicizing job openings and describing credentials of members seeking employment.

December 4, 2018 WSS Holiday Party Photo

April 25, 2017 President's Invited Lecture Photo

Nancy Clusen, John Thompson, and Mike Larsen

April 18, 2016 Mini-Conference on Paradata Group Photo

Don Jang (WSS Methodology Section Chair), Mike Fleming (Event Moderator), Alyssa Maccarone (Event Coordinator), Stephanie Coffey, Shawn Marsh, Emilia Peytcheva, Brady West (Presenters)

WSS Video: Doug Tyson on Statistics Education as Part of the Common Core