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Hierarchical Bayesian Methods for Combining Estimates from Multiple Surveys

Date/Time: January 30, 2015, 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Speaker: Adrijo Chakraborty, NORC

Chair: Mike Fleming

Sponsor: WSS Methodology Section

Location: Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center

Click here to download presentation materials

In order to estimate the number of occupied households, US Census Bureau conducts many surveys. As a result, we get different estimates of the number of occupied households from these surveys. While each survey is useful, differences among the estimates they produce are sometimes very large. To resolve these differences, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian method to obtain a more reliable estimate of the number of occupied households by combining estimates from these surveys. We apply our method to the estimates from Current Population Survey (CPS)/Annual Social and Economic Supplement, CPS/Housing Vacancy Survey, American Community Survey, and American Housing Survey between 2002 and 2011 to produce a more reliable estimate of the number of occupied households.

(This is a joint work with Dr. Gauri Datta and Dr Yang Cheng.)

POC email: Chakraborty-Adrijo@norc.org

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