Julius Shiskin Memorial Award for Economic Statistics Seminar:
Strategies for Integration and Innovation in Federal Economic Statistics
Speaker: Brent R. Moulton, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Chair: Robert P. Parker, Consultant
Date and Time: Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
Location: Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1441 "L" Street, NW,
Washington, 2nd Floor Conference Center
To be placed on the attendance list, please email Sarah.Garrick@bea.gov
by noon the day before the seminar, or call 202-606-5641. Bring a photo
ID and arrive a few minutes early to allow time for passing through
security. The Visitor's Center is located directly to the right as you
enter through the front doors. The nearest Metro stations are McPherson
Square (Orange/Blue/Silver) and Farragut North (Red Line).
Abstract: How can federal statistical agencies develop and
successfully implement a strategy for innovation? The speaker presents
and illustrates principles for innovation in federal economic
statistics with a focus on developing integrated statistics—statistics
that use consistent concepts, definitions, and classifications, thereby
allowing data users to clearly interpret and analyze them within a
coherent system of economic statistics. The principles are illustrated
with detailed examples of both successful and unsuccessful innovations
drawn from work on integration of macroeconomic statistics, on
identification and removal of biases in the consumer price index, and
on updating and revising international guidelines. The talk concludes
with a discussion of emerging issues and strategies for anticipating
and addressing the changing needs of data users.