News about activities of the Washington Statistical Society
A Chapter of the American Statistical Association

December 1998



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Annual Holiday Dinner!!!

Please come join your friends and colleagues for a celebration of the holiday season. The 1998 WSS Holiday Dinner will be held Wednesday, December 9, at the Capital City Brewing Company-Capital Hill. Download the flyer (29 kb as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file) for more information. Hope to see you there!

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Calling All Government Statistics Section Members
of the American Statistical Association...

Get connected to the Section's new listserv!

As a brand new service to our members, the GSS is pleased to announce that it has established an electronic mailing list -- the GSSLIST -- to provide you with information and announcements concerning GSS and related meetings, conferences, seminars, visiting scholars programs, and other activities and events. It is also intended to serve as a forum for dialogue among the subscribers, providing outreach to State and local government statisticians, as well. Want to announce an upcoming event for government statisticians, share information about a proposed statistical standard, track down a good reference, or inquire about experiences others have had using a particular technique? Just send a message to the GSSLIST and wait for responses to come back to you. It is our hope that this will serve as a means for government statisticians and users of government statistics at all levels to interact with each other about common concerns, problems, and solutions.

There is no fee to join the GSSLIST . Any GSS member can subscribe -- it is as easy to use as e-mail: Just send an e-mail message to Leave the subject line blank; In the message type: Subscribe GSSLIST (your first name) (your last name) -- e.g., Subscribe GSSLIST John Doe. You will receive back confirmation that your name has been added to the subscription list. Then, in order to post a message to the GSSLIST, simply type your e-mail message and address it to: Remember that this is a two-way communication and that every time you send a message to the GSSLIST it is automatically forwarded to all subscribers.

Join the GSSLIST today and help us make this dynamic new vehicle an informative and stimulating way to communicate with each other. The more members who participate, the more active the list will be!

Special thanks to Pat Doyle and Tai Phan for getting this new initiative up and running!

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SIGSTAT Schedule - December 1998

SIGSTAT is the Special Interest Group in Statistics for CPCUG, the Capital PC User Group, and WORMSC, the Washington Operations Research and Management Science Council.

December 9: PASS - PASS 6.0 is a windows-based software tool for power analysis and sample size determination. It analyzes a broad range of experimental situations, including t-tests, F-tests, proportions, survival curves, correlations, bioequivalence tests, analysis of variance tests, log rank tests, multiple regression tests, and more. PASS is a product of NCSS.

All SIGSTAT meetings are held in Waugh A, 1800 M St, NW. Directions can be found on the SIGSTAT website, Links to the above products are on the SIGSTAT Schedule page. First time attendees should contact Charlie Hallahan, 202-694-5051 or and leave their name.

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Note From The WSS NEWS Editor

Items for publication in February 1999 WSS NEWS should be submitted no later than December 29, 1998. E-mail items to Michael Feil at FAX items to Michael Feil at (301) 443-4045.

WSS NEWS: 1999 Submission Dates
Article Submission
Due Date

Issue to Printer
February 1999
December 29, 1998
January 15, 1999
March 1999
January 26, 1999
February 15, 1999
April 1999
February 23, 1999
March 15, 1999
May 1999
March 30, 1999
April 15, 1999
June 1999
April 27, 1999
May 17, 1999

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WSS People

Dwight Brock (301)496-9795
Past President
Graham Kalton (301)251-8253
Mary Batcher (202) 327-6740
Elizabeth Nichols (301) 457-4865
Jill Montaquila (301) 517-4046

Vice Chair for District 2 of
Council of Chapters

Andrew A. White (202) 334-2511
Council of Chapters Representative
Ron Fecso (703) 306-1780 ext. 6906.
John Czajka (202) 484-4685
David Marker (301) 251-4398
Carolyn Shettle (301) 215-9100 x 166
Sandra West (202) 606-7384

WSS Program Chairs
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Bill Iwig (202) 720-3895
Dwight French (202)586-1126
Linda Atkinson (202) 219-0934
Art Kennickell (202) 452-2247
Brenda Cox (202) 484-4231
Stuart Scott (202) 606-7383
Public Health and Biostatistics
Trena Ezzati-Rice (301) 436-7022 ext. 133
Rene Gonin (301) 517-8084
Public Policy
Carolee Bush (202) 366-6946
Phil Ross (202) 260-5244
Quality Assurance
Amrut Champaneri (202) 690-3130
Glenn White (202) 327-6414
Short Courses
Roberta Sangster (202) 606-7517
Fritz Scheuren (703) 549-1120
Social & Demographic Statistics
Michael Horrigan (202) 606-5905
Edith McArthur (202) 219-1442
Statistical Computing
Bob Jernigan (202) 885-3170
Mike Fleming (703) 235-5213 ext. 170
Data Collection Methods
Brad Edwards (301) 294-2021
Linda Stinson (202) 606-7528

Fotios Kokkotos (202) 414-4563
WSS NEWS Editors
Michael Feil (301) 443-4234
Fran Chevarley (301) 436-7093 ext. 153
Electronic Mail
Michael L. Cohen (202) 334-3765
Michael Greene (703) 247-1575
S.V. (Vince) Massimini (703) 883-5893
Renee Miller (202) 426-1117
Antionette Martin 202) 426-1110
Fritz Scheuren (703) 549-1120
Quantitative Literacy
Carolyn Carroll (703) 352-1712
Science Fair
Lee Abramson (301) 415-6180
Video Librarian
Mel Kollander (202) 973-2820
Social Arrangements
Jeri Mulrow (202) 327-6772
Local Arrangement
Wendy Rotz (202) 874-0969
WSS Historian
Michael P. Cohen (202) 219-1917
WSS Committee on ASA Fellows
Phil Kott (703) 235-5211 x 102

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First posted November 29, 1998
Last modified November 29, 1998

Webmaster: Dan Jacobs, Maryland Sea Grant