News about activities of the Washington Statistical Society
A Chapter of the American Statistical Association

January 1998



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Newsletter by E-Mail:
Appeal from the Presidents

Dear Colleague:

An e-mail version of the WSS Newsletter was introduced over two years ago and currently about a third of members receive it that way. This is of considerable benefit to the Society since it avoids the costs of preparing and mailing the paper copies, costs which account for a sizeable proportion of our annual dues. We urge all the rest of you who are regular e-mail users to take the Newsletter by e-mail. If you do so, besides helping the Society, you will have the benefit of receiving announcements of late changes in our program of activities, such as sessions organized at the last minute and changes to the schedule, and also announcements of meetings of other organizations.

The e-mail version of the Newsletter is sent to members as soon as it is available each month. Since there are no postal delays, you should receive the e-mail version up to a week before the paper version. In addition, the Newsletter is posted to the WSS home page: Some members prefer to print it from the home page with its more attractive layout.

Signing up for the e-mail version is very easy. All you need do is to send a message to Vince Massimini at SVM@MITRE.ORG, asking to be added to the e-mail distribution list. If you are an ASA member, it would also be helpful if you could include your ASA membership number. That number is to be found on your mailing label on materials sent from ASA, such as Amstat News.

Please make the effort to send Vince a message now. It will take only a minute of your time, and it will make an important contribution to our Society's financial health.

Season's Greetings

Phillip Kott
Past President

Graham Kalton

Dwight Brock

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BLS Building Visitors

  1. All visitors, vendors and delivery personnel must enter the building through the First Street entrance. After verification, visitors will be processed through the X-ray and metal detection equipment.

  2. Visitors traveling with the aid of a device, i.e., wheel chair, crutches, or cane, will not be required to pass through the metal detection equipment. Each disabled visitor will be hand screened by PSB security, using a hand held metal detector.

  3. BLS Employees will not be allowed to escort a Visitor(s) into the building at the Ceremonial entrance (Mass and N. Capital end of building).

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    SIGSTAT Meetings

    SIGSTAT is the Special Interest Group in Statistics for the Capital PC User Group (CPCUG) and the Washington Operations Research and Management Science Council (WORMSC). It meets on the second Wednesday of each month.

    The December meeting of SIGSTAT features a demonstration of ActivStats. The meeting is on December 10 from 12:30 to 1:30 in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, 1800 M St, NW.

    Directions to the meeting site and the full schedule is available at http://www.ers.usda.govsigstat/ or on the Members/SIGS page of First-time attendees should contact Charlie Hallahan at 202-694-5051 or to leave their name for gaining entrance to the building.

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    BLS Statistical Seminar Series On Confidentiality

    BLS is continuing its seminar series on issues concerning confidentiality of and access to statistical data. Several lectures are planned for 1998. Members of the Washington statistical community are invited to attend all lectures in this series.

    On Tuesday, January 20, 1998, 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m., Phil Steel, Census Bureau will give a seminar entitled "Disclosure Limitation for the 2000 Census." The seminar will be held at BLS, 2 Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Room 2990.

    Abstract: The decennial census produces both population data (short form) and more detailed sample data (long form). Data are released in conventional tables and microdata, and through an electronic query system. The query system, DADS (Data Access and Dissemination System), allows users to create and receive tabulations via the internet. A variety of disclosure avoidance methods are employed on both the population and the sample data prior to any form of publication. The speaker will describe the 1990 procedures for disclosure avoidance and the changes proposed for 2000, as well as the problems posed by the electronic query system.

    Please note that BLS has special security procedures for non-BLS employees. Non-BLS staff who want to attend this lecture should call (202-606-7374) or email ( Virginia de Wolf by noon, Friday, January 16th, in order to be placed on the visitor's list. Please provide your name, name of your employer, and office phone number.

    (Note: please read BLS Building Visitors and check the WSS Seminars)

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    Winter Quarter Courses at the Graduate School, USDA

    For course descriptions or other information see the web site at or call the evening programs staff at 202-690-1425.

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    March 26-26, 1998 -- Conference on Small Area Estimation, U.S. Census Bureau

    This conference will feature invited speakers from academia and various government agencies discussing recent research on problems in the theory and practice of small area estimation. The conference will consist of sessions with 3 talks of approximately 30 min. each followed by floor discussion.

    Speakers from academia tentatively include:

    The conference will be held at the U.S. Bureau of the Census, located just outside of Washington, D.C.

    For further information contact:
    William Bell
    SRD Room 3000-4
    Bureau of the Census
    Washington, DC 20233
    Phone: 301-457-4728
    FAX: 301-457-2299

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    1998 Science Fairs

    Volunteers are now being solicited to represent the Washington Statistical Society as judges in local area science fairs next spring. The WSS sponsors awards at fairs in Northern Virginia, suburban Maryland and the District of Columbia. Since 1986, WSS has provided special awards at these fairs to students whose projects demonstrate excellence in statistical theory or application. Those who have participated in this activity have very much enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the students and to observe the widely diverse projects which are presented. The fairs are held on a Saturday morning in mid-March to mid-April. The only time required is that one Saturday morning, plus one weekday lunchtime meeting to discuss judging strategy and to distribute the awards to be given out at each fair.

    If you would like to be a WSS science fair judge, or if you would like additional information about this activity, please contact Lee Abramson at (301) 415-6180 or e-mail at by January 20. (If you judged last spring and wish to judge again this year, there is no need to contact Lee unless your mailing address or phone number has changed.)

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    Note From The WSS NEWS Editors

    Items for publication in the February 1998 WSS NEWS should be submitted no later than January 27, 1998. E-mail items to [Michael Feil] or [Fran Chevarley]. FAX items to Michael Feil at (301) 443-4045.

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    WSS People

    Graham Kalton (301) 251-8253
    Past President
    Phillip Kott (703) 235-5211 ext. 102
    Dwight Brock (301) 496-9795
    Elizabeth Sweet (301) 457-4865
    Carolyn Shettle (703) 306-1780

    Vice Chair for District 2 of
    Council of Chapters

    Andrew A. White (202) 334-2511
    Council of Chapters Representative
    Ron Fecso (703) 235-5211 ext. 142
    N. Clyde Tucker (202) 606-7371
    Sandra West (202) 606-7384
    Alan R. Tupek (703) 306-1780
    David Marker (301) 251-4398

    WSS Program Chairs
    Agriculture & Natural Resources
    Bill Iwig (202) 720-3895
    Stan Freedman (202) 426-1099
    Linda Atkinson (202) 694-5046
    Art Kennickell (202) 452-2247
    Karol Krotki (202) 944-5243
    Brenda Cox (202) 484-4231
    Public Health and Biostatistics
    Trena Ezzati-Rice (301) 436-7022 ext. 133
    Rene Gonin (301) 517-8084
    Public Policy
    Carolee Bush (202) 366-6946
    Phil Ross (202) 260-5244
    Quality Assurance
    Amrut Champaneri (202) 268-2299
    Glenn White (202) 327-6414
    Statistical Computing
    Bob Jernigan (202) 885-3170
    Mike Fleming (703) 235-5213 ext. 170
    Social & Demographic Statistics
    Michael Horrigan (202) 606-5905
    Edith McArthur (202) 219-1442
    Short Courses
    Roberta Sangster (202) 606-7517
    Fritz Scheuren (703) 549-1120
    Data Collection Methods
    Brad Edwards (301) 294-2021
    Linda Stinson (202) 606-7528

    Bill Arends (202) 720-6812
    WSS NEWS Editors
    Michael Feil (301) 443-4234
    Fran Chevarley (301) 436-7093 ext. 153
    Electronic Mail
    Michael L. Cohen (202) 334-3765
    Michael Greene (703) 247-1575
    S.V. (Vince) Massimini (703) 883-5893
    Renee Miller (202) 426-1117
    Antionette Martin 202) 426-1110
    Fritz Scheuren (703) 549-1120
    Quantitative Literacy
    Carolyn Carroll (703) 352-1712
    Science Fair
    Lee Abramson (301) 415-6180
    Mel Kollander (202) 973-2820
    Social Arrangements
    Jill Montaquila (301) 517-4046
    Local Arrangement
    Wendy Rotz (202) 874-0969
    WSS Historian
    Michael P. Cohen (202) 219-1917
    WSS Committee on ASA Fellows
    Brenda Cox (202) 484-4231

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    First posted December 19, 1997
    Last modified December 19, 1997

    Webmaster: Dan Jacobs, Maryland Sea Grant