December 2002
Washington Academy of Sciences Web Site
The Washington Academy of Sciences has established a "News Items" page on its website and is soliciting news stories for posting on the website. This page is available to all members and affiliates of the Washington Academy of Sciences to post information about appointments, publications, awards, and other professional news.
Examples of posted news items can be found at
Please submit your "news items" to Marilyn London, President of WAS at
Please note, however, that regular announcements of Society meetings are posted separately from the "News Items" page, and should continue to be sent to Doug Witherspoon at
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Nominations for Fellows of the American Statistical Association
The WSS Committee on Fellows is charged with identifying and facilitating the nomination of strong candidates for Fellows of the American Statistical Association. Our mandate covers all statisticians in the Washington, D.C. statistical community. This year's committee consists of David Banks, Michael L. Cohen, Phil Kott, and Fritz Scheuren. If anyone has suggestions for suitable nominees, please send an email to David Banks ( with the suggestion and a short outline of the nomination rationale. We would like to have all such nominations by January 1, 2003, at the latest.
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CDC Symposium on Statistical Methods
January 27-29, 2003
Crowne Plaza Ravinia
Atlanta, GA
The WSS has agreed to co-sponsor the annual Symposium on Statistical Methods sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2003 and 2004. The 2003 conference will be January 27-29, 2003 in Atlanta. It is hoped that the 2004 symposium will take place in the Washington area. WSS members receive a discounted registration and short course fee.
To obtain more information, please visit the web site at or contact:
Chris Johnson
(770) 488-6365
Harvey Lipman
(770) 488-8113
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Time Series Modeling with STAMP and SsfPack
January 7-8, 2003
George Washington University
2121 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20052
The Course: Several major advances in time series, forecasting and software engineering have occurred in the past few years. These advances provide a major breakthrough in the modeling of time series using easy-to-use object-oriented Windows based software. The course aims to provide participants with background on Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman filter and demonstrate, using real-life business and industrial data, how to interpret and report the results using the STAMP and SsfPack software packages. You do not need to be a STAMP user. Developers of other software packages, e.g. EViews, ForecastPro, have followed his work extensively when implementing this type of models. Participants are invited to bring their own data.
Who Should Attend: Structural time series models find application in many subjects, including, economics, finance, sociology, management science, biology, geography, meteorology transportation, tourism and engineering. The course is, therefore, suitable for anyone who works with time series data in government or industry or teaches this topic at Universities. A basic knowledge of time series analysis is assumed. Familiarity with the software is not required but advisable. If you want to get some familiarity with the software prior to the course, please request a demo copy.
The Principal Lecturer: Prof. Siem Jan Koopman, who is a Professor in Econometrics at the Free University of Amsterdam. He is a member of the editorial board of the J Applied Econometrics. He is the main contributor to the OxMetrics module STAMP module and developed the Ox package SsfPack. Pertinent web pages include,, and
The Costs: $1250 for the first non-academic delegate, $1000 for the second non-academic delegate, $875 for academic delegates. Registration closes 5 calendar days prior to the start of the course. For additional information about this course, contact:
Timberlake Consultants Limited (U.S.A.)
842 Greenwich Lane
Union, NJ 07040, U.S.A.
Tel: 908-686-1251 Fax:
Registration closes on December 30th, 2002. Full fee returned for cancellations prior to December 9th, 2002, half-fee returned for cancellations between 10th and 24th of December 2002, and no cancellations accepted after that date.
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SIGSTAT Topics for Winter-Spring 2002/2003
December 11, 2002: SAS Graph-n-Go
Graph-n-Go is an interactive application for producing simple or complex graphical representations of data. It can be used for data exploration or for creating presentation-quality graphical images that can be printed or imported into documents.
January 15, 2003 - SuperSTAR
The SuperSTAR software suite delivers insight by enabling you to manipulate and analyse any quantitative data at any aggregation level you choose, from microdata (transactions, customer records etc) to macrodata (aggregated data).
February 12, 2002 - PROCs MI & MIANALYZE in SAS/STAT
SAS/STAT software, Version 8, introduces the experimental MI and MIANALYZE procedures for creating and analyzing multiply imputed data sets for incomplete multivariate data.
March 12, 2003 - R Graphics
R is `GNU S' - A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is similar to the award-winning S system, which was developed at Bell Laboratories by John Chambers et al. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques (linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, ...).
April 9, 2003 - SAS/IML Workshop 2.0
SAS/IML Workshop is a graphical user interface and extension of SAS/IML software that enables you to explore data interactively using standard statistical graphics and tables.
May 14, 2003 - SAS 9.0
SAS System 9 is the most significant release in the history of SAS. With an unprecedented feature and product set it delivers SAS® world-class analytical, data manipulation and reporting capabilities within a completely new framework that is scalable, highly interoperable, and easy to manage and use.
SIGSTAT is the Special Interest Group in Statistics for the CPCUG, the Capital PC User Group, and WINFORMS, the Washington Institute for Operations Research Service and Management Science.
All meetings are in Room S3031 (Food Safety and Nutrition Room), 1800 M St, NW from 12:30 to 1:30. Enter the South Tower and take the elevator to the 3rd floor to check in at the guard's desk.
First-time attendees should contact Charlie Hallahan, 202-694-5051, and leave their name. Directions to the building and many links of statistical interest
can be found at the SIGSTAT website,
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Note From The WSS NEWS Editor
Items for publication in the February 2003 WSS NEWS should be submitted no later than December, 24 2002. Please e-mail items to
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First posted December 2, 2002
Last modified November 03, 2015
Webmaster: Dan Jacobs, Maryland Sea Grant