March 2001
NIST Statistical Engineering Division Symposium
As part of the project at NIST to update the Handbook of Mathematical Functions by Abramovitz and Stegun and to make it available electronically as the Digital of Library of Mathematical Functions conferences are being held at NIST for some of the principal topics. The Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division and the Statistical Engineering Division are jointly sponsoring a symposium on Gibbs, MCMC and Importance Sampling, specific topics that are part of the expansion of coverage for the Digital Library. A demonstration of the NIST-SEMATECH handbook, also a web-based publication, will be included.
The symposium is open to the public; and WSS members in particular are invited; and there is no fee. Reservations are requested in order to guarantee space and to take NIST shuttle from Metro. Call Stephany Bailey at 301-975-2839 (Statistical Engineering Division) or via email at for advance registration or for additional information.
Monte Carlo Sampling in the Digital World
Symposium at NIST in Gaithersburg
4 April 2001
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
- "The Handbook of Mathematical Functions Goes Digital"
- Dan Lozier - Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, NIST
- "Statistics in the Digital Library"
- Ingram Olkin - Stanford University
- David Kemp -St. Andrews University
- "Gibbs, MCMC, Importance Sampling"
- George Casella - University of Florida
- "Monte Carlo Sampling - Real Application"
- Jun Liu - Harvard University
- "Introducing the NIST-SEMATECH Handbook on the WEB"
- Will Guthrie - Statistical Engineering Division, NIST
- Alan Heckert - Statistical Engineering Division, NIST
Roundtable Discussion
(Lunch available at the NIST cafeteria.)
NIST can be reached from the Metro Red Line stop at Shady Grove by taking the NIST shuttle.
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Handouts on the Web Page of the WSS Methodology Section
Now posted on WSS's Methodology Section's web pages is the October 2000 tutorial, "Data Presentation-A Guide to Good Graphics and Tables," by Marianne W. Zawitz, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Available for downloading are her slides and handouts as follows:
- slide presentation on graphics entitled "Data Presentation: A Guide To Good Graphics";
- handout entitled "Good Graphics: Simplicity of Design and Complexity of Data";
- slide presentation on tables entitled "Data Presentation: A Guide To Good Tables"; and
- handout entitled "Good Tables: Numbers Have Architecture".
The URL for the Methodology Section is
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Sam Greenhouse Memorial Symposium
June 11, 2001, Bethesda, MD
The George Washington University Biostatistics Center, the Washington Statistical Society and the National Institutes of Health will jointly sponsor a one-day symposium to celebrate the scientific contributions and career of Dr. Samuel Greenhouse; former NIH scientist and GWU Professor. This symposium will feature speakers from various time periods in Dr. Greenhouse's career covering the diverse and exciting facets of statistics, epidemiology, clinical trials, consultant and mentor in which he served. Speakers presently committed include Joel Greenhouse, John Lachin, LJ Wei, Gordon Lan, Jim Dambrosia, Dan Seigel, Howard Hoffman, Mitchell Gail, Raymond Bain, Paul Meier, Marvin Zelen, Seymour Geisser, and Scott Zeger, The symposium will be held on Monday, June 11, 2001, preceded by a cocktail hour and dinner with speakers on Sunday evening, June 10, 2001. Both events will be held in the Bethesda, Maryland area. More details about the program and the registration form for both events will be forthcoming on the GWU Biostatistics Center website Attendance will be limited and all who plan to attend must be registered by the date indicated on the form.
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Herriot Award Nominations Sought
Nominations are sought for the 2001 Roger Herriot Award for Innovation in Federal Statistics.
After the sudden death in May 1994 of Roger Herriot, an Associate Commissioner for Statistical Standards and Methodology at the National Center for Education Statistics, the Washington Statistical Society, the Social Statistics and Government Statistics Sections of the American Statistical Association established an award in his memory to recognize individuals who develop unique approaches to the solution of statistical problems in Federal data collection programs.
The award is intended to reflect the special characteristics that marked Roger Herriot's career: dedication to the issues of measurement; improvements in the efficiency of data collection programs; and improvements and use of statistical data or policy analysis.
The award is not restricted to senior members of an organization; nor is it to be considered as a culmination of a long period of service. Individuals at all levels, from entry to senior, Federal employees, private sector employees, or employees of the academic community, may be nominated on the basis of the significance of the specific contribution.
A nomination form can be obtained by contacting Lynda Carlson by phone: (703) 292-7766; fax (703) 528-4585; or email: All nomination forms should be to the Roger Herriot Award Committee c/o Lynda Carlson, 3400 N. Peary Street, Arlington, VA. 22207. Completed nomination forms must be received by May 11, 2001.
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Note From The WSS NEWS Editor
Items for publication in the May 2001 WSS NEWS should be submitted no later
than March 27, 2001. E-mail items to Michael Feil at Any items received after this date will appear in the next issue of the WSS NEWS.
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First posted March 1, 2001
Last modified November 03, 2015
Webmaster: Dan Jacobs, Maryland Sea Grant